Aug 24, 2009

2009 Wahunsenakah NOAC flaps pass milestones

With the recent release of the two special 2009 NOAC flaps (S39 and S40) Wahunsenakah Lodge passed a pair of milestones.

First of all, Wahunsenakah has issued more flaps in 13 years than Kecoughtan 463 did in its forty four years of existence (38 flaps for the Acorn lodge), or Chanco did in forty three years (11).

Secondly, Wahunsenekah has issued more flaps in 2009 than in any other year since its inception in 1996. 2009 has seen six flaps issued to date, and a quarter of the year remains for more. The six issued so far are:
S35 2009 SR-7A Conclave trader
S36 2009 SR-7A Conclave delegate
S37 2009 SR-7A Conclave staff
S38 Beacon of Service flap, 14 hours service at Beaver Days required
S39 2009 NOAC trader, red border, issued with X4, 850 made
S40 2009 NOAC delegate, silver border, issued with X5, 150 made

The closest the Lodge has come to issuing this many flaps was in its first year of existence when it issued five flaps:
S1 First flap
S2 Service flap (multiple varieties exist)
S3 1996 SR-7 Conclave
S4 1996 NOAC trader, purple border, issued w/X1 pocket part
S5 1996 NOAC delegate, light blue border, issued w/X1 pocket part
The Lodge issued four flaps in 1998, 2002, and 2006. It's not a coincidence that all of those years included a NOAC which warranted trader and delegate flap issues.

The acorn Lodge, on the other hand, did not change the design of it's flap patch from 1953 until 1976. Things have changed a bit, wouldn't you say?

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