Hidden on John Pannell's oaimages.com web site is a fascinating bit of history - a complete copy of the very first Blue Book. Published in 1958, the official title of the publication is Order of the Arrow Lodge Listings, but the color of the cover is the only clue you need to understand how the later versions got their name.
Compiled by E. Forrest Reynolds, the booklet is barely over 50 pages, but these were the early days of the Order of the Arrow, and patch issues were still scant. Still, the amount of effort to compile the data in this document is almost incomprehensible when you remember that most of it had to be gathered in person or through postal mail.

The Kecoughtan entry lists just two items: an X issue and an F issue. "Wait!" you exclaim; "Kecoughtan Lodge never issued a flap patch that had a twill background." That is true, but as the abbreviation legend for this document explains, "F" simply indicates a flap shaped patch. It wasn't until later that "S" was used to indicate a flap with a solid embroidered background and "F" for flaps with twill background.
Check it out and be sure to tell John you appreciate his efforts to preserve and share such a vital part of OA patch reference history!
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