Aug 9, 2010

Kecoughtan leather flap variation discovered

Last week I traveled to Virginia for a Kecoughtan High School reunion for classes that graduated in the 70's, and afterwards took my family to Washington DC to see the sights. Along the way we stopped in Fredericksburg so that I could check out the Trade-O-Ree and meet trading friends face to face that I previously only had the pleasure of knowing via email.

One of the great friends I was happy to meet in person was Michael McCaughan who helped me add a Chanco F1 to my collection along with an item I've never seen before: an uncut Kecoughtan leather flap.

Michael actually had three uncut 463 leather flap emblems in his possession, all with slight variations in the depth of the stamping and the color of the leather. He also related information about the production of the leather flaps he received from a former Kecoughtan member that corroborates what I have heard from others, namely that the leather emblems were stamped out informally at lodge events, not created and sold as an official issue.

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